Spiritual Insight, Spiritual Teaching, The Journeys Path, The Swimming Ones

Healing the Waters Within

From Puget Sound to the Gulf of Mexico, I was called. The Dolphins called me - they actually were on the phone with me late last spring, just shortly after the Gulf crisis began. I was on the phone with a friend of mine last May, about to bring up the fact that the dolphins… Continue reading Healing the Waters Within

Creativity, Inspirational, Spiritual Teaching

No-School-Back-To-School Shopping

We were out shopping today, at Target, and happened to notice the big clearance sign at the back of the store. That was enough to lure me back there to see what was on sale. My daughters and I were delighted to see it was the back to school supplies on final clearance. We laughed… Continue reading No-School-Back-To-School Shopping

Inspirational, Spiritual Insight, Spiritual Teaching, The Journeys Path

Going Home

I am staying in Kansas City for a few days, before the next thing. I made it to the Gulf of Mexico, but not yet to Florida. Something is telling me things are changing...again. My tour ended a few days ago, or so I thought. I was ready to get settled again, I was wanting… Continue reading Going Home

Inspirational, Spiritual Insight, Spiritual Teaching, The Journeys Path

Galveston, Oh, Galveston

I kept hearing Glen Campbell singing in my mind. I had been driving most of the night, with the full moon shining down upon me. I pulled over to sleep a few hours near the border of New Mexico and Texas. The beautiful energy that was traveling with me in my car was speaking to… Continue reading Galveston, Oh, Galveston

Inspirational, Spiritual Insight, The Journeys Path, Uncategorized

The Light at the Doorbell

It was 1:30 in the morning when the doorbell rang... I sat up and wondered if it was real or in my dreams. Was there someone at the door? A voice spoke to me and tried to reassure me. Staying at someone else's house, by myself, with the coyotes howling in the desert outside Santa… Continue reading The Light at the Doorbell