What Others Have to Say

“Thank you for your love and wisdom…as always…”  – Jen Lee

“There is something about Cat that can’t be pinned down by words, something of a beautiful nature.  Her presence has an effect on everybody she meets…Those who have studied under Cat truly took the next step towards claiming their God-given good and expressing higher levels of their potential.  I could write volumes on the effect Cat had on this spiritual center.  She is a beneficial presence to this earth.”
Reverend Duke Tufty
Senior Minister Unity Temple on the Plaza
Kansas City, Missouri and
Chairman of the Board of Directors – Unity Village

“I feel quite honored to have a chance to tell you about Cat RunningElk.  We have had a chance to get to know her during the last several years as she has worked with us at quite a few expos.  She has always shown the utmost in professionalism, enthusiasm and talent.  As a reader, healer and spiritual teacher, Cat is respected by her peers and sought after by those attending our expos.  In fact I recently heard from an attendee at our Pasadena expo (who happens to be our company attorney) that both he and his wife thought Cat stood out as the highlight of his entire weekend.

Cat’s presentations at our expos have always been great draws and she seems to attract strong crowds from our prime demographic of women from 25-54.  We certainly believe that she has the potential to rise to the top of the holistic field and compares very well with other “stars” of the holistic movement…”

Steve Strickland
Body Mind Spirit Expos

“Thank you for facilitating the class on Spiritual Connections…It appears to be one of the more popular classes we’ve had here at the church…”
Reverend Robert R. Barth
Unity Church of Overland Park, Kansas

 During my seventeen years in ministry so far, I have scheduled many workshop presenters.  I can say without making it an overstatement that you were the most professional of all of them and were the most adept at captivating the audience.  Your presentation on past lives last month was the best we have heard in a long time.

I would recommend you highly to any organization looking for a presentation that is both educational and entertaining, delivered by a public speaker who knows how to speak with power and enthusiasm.  I wish you well in your ministry to which you have clearly been called.

Abundant Blessings,
Michael Jamison, Senior Minister
Unity Church of Christianity
Topeka, Kansas

"Cat RunningElk taught a six week class titled, "Answering Your Calling" at Unity Church of Overland Park, Kansas.

I attended this class and Cat was amazing.  Each week she prodded us along, to look deep within ourselves to see what was holding us back from doing our life's purpose.  Our desire, our dream.  Well, for me, some fear.  But Cat said, 'Take the first step - even if it's sloppy, take it.'
I thought, well yes, why not!

So I opened up my home as a Spiritual Retreat, as that was my calling.  I have now been holding classes at Spirit of the Woods Retreat on Saturdays and enjoy it so much.  Cat inspired me to move forward on my quest, and I tell you, I have not regretted any of it.  I asked her in class one time if she had prayed for each of us, because so much was happening so fast for our classmates.  I was astounded by the power she had, which she said is from Spirit.  I truly believe this.  Cat said she had put out the intention for everyone there to have their desire met.  So be it!  It worked!"

Laurie Bratton
Spirit of the Woods Retreat
Desoto, Kansas
"What a wonderful change Cat has made in my life. I knew when I first met her that she was here to guide me farther up this spiritual road. One of my goals was to release the fear that I had in opening up new doors and accepting my gifts. Cat blew that door off of the hinges in the first time we talked. Cat opened up a whole new world to me. She has taught me to see the world in multiple dimensions. I am so thankful that Spirit brought Cat into my life.  I now see myself as a teacher, a wise woman, a spiritual leader, ready to open myself up to our community. We all need a Spiritual Mentor, even the leaders. Cat is my Spiritual Mentor."
Deb Haack
Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Chef
Brock, Nebraska

"Cat has been such a fantastic support system, mentor, teacher and sister all rolled into one package.  Pushing beyond what I would be willing

to do on my own, Cat supported me with her blend of compassion and take

no nonsense style as I navigated transitions such as career, divorce and

significant growth in self awareness and connection with spirit.  Her

wisdom inspired me to become the coach I am today and I find myself

quoting her in many sessions with my own clients.  I continue to find

inspiration in the work she does and seek her counsel on a regular basis

to grow ever closer to the ideal life we mapped together over the

course of our sessions."
Jennifer Lewis
No Limits Life Coaching, LLC

“Dear Cat RunningElk,
I wanted to let you know that the workshop you taught in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Religious Science Center has made a profound difference in my life.  The things I wanted the most to create in my life are happening…I’m a different person and I’m becoming who I was always meant to be…Thank you for making a profound difference in my life.”
Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Cat’s powerful presence permeates the classroom and results in profound learning and healing for those of us attending.  What struck me was how patient, kind and loving she is with each individual and seems to know exactly what each person needs to help them remove their blocks and step forward into their higher path.  Cat is a natural shaman, and I am grateful to have her as a teacher and healer.”
Ruth White
Corestar School of Healing Graduate

“Dear Cat,Just wanted to let you know I’m still feeling the love from the Water Blessing ceremony the other night and a renewed dedication to honoring and thanking the water I use everyday.  Thank you for providing your unique gifts of authentic leadership!” – Terri Oglesby – Founder of Kansas City’s First Massage School

“Hello Ms. Cat RunningElk,
I’m very glad I met you last week at Transitions Bookstore here in Chicago…You couldn’t have come at a better time and what a difference you have made!  I just read your book and I’ll be reading it again this weekend.  When I read it, I feel my own intuition come forward…Your story is so inspiring to me.  You have just opened a whole new world to me…”
Chicago, Illinois

“Unlike ‘The Secret’ Cat’s instructions are personal, clear and practical.
It really is true, if you learn to ask The Universe in the correct way and live a good life, you really can have or be anything you now see as only a dream.  We all have the power of The Universe around us and within us, once you learn how to incorporate it into your life, everything will change.  I am now living the life I asked for at the beginning of class.”
Danni, Washington State

"Every class I've had with Cat has been a joy and brought me growth.  However Divine Feminine holds a special place in my heart.  This course reminded me of who I am, taught me to treasure and honor myself.  Divine Feminine opened my heart to self discovery and provided the catalyst to the growth on my true essence.  I have frequently returned to my notes for the course as a source of strength and encouragement.  Cat has the true gift of helping one discover the secrets that are buried within, how to bring them to the surface and let their individual light shine."

Cindy Lais

Hummingbird Healing LLC
Kansas City, MO

“When I first signed up for Cat’s Divine Feminine Teleclass, I had no idea what was about to transpire. Cat was able to teach this hardened female that it was possible to love ME again, to know me, to inspire great heights in my life. I will forever be thankful for allowing myself to walk into My Divine Feminine.

Thank you so much, Cat. You have helped change my life into my life purpose with love.”
Mermaid Deb Haack

Brock, Nebraska

“I enjoyed every second of the Divine Feminine Course with Cat Running Elk.  I eagerly anticipated every call and found that as I let myself go more and more I received more and more from the calls, the connections with the other participants, the energy of the call and the exercises. I was able to form bonds with the group that have lasted in the years since we had the class.  The empowerment I received supported me as I made several major transitions in my life and I know that I would have struggled mightily without the support and love from this course.  If you are looking to connect with your authentic feminine power, your authentic self and find a community of people that supports you in your quest – sign up for Cat’s Divine Feminine Course, it is nothing short of AMAZING!”

Jennifer Murphy

Integrative Life Coach


No Limits Life Coaching, LLC

“Cat’s Divine Feminine class taught me that being feminine is really divine.  That femininity is not just sexy-pretty (although that’s a fun part of it), but also empowering and a source of pride for all those who own it and use it in their life.  Cat was always creative in helping us see the many aspects of our divine femininity and how important that energy is for ourselves and our world.”
Renee Walker
Prairie Village, KS

“I met you at the Wellness Event at Colorado Convention Center.  I picked up your book last night and I could not put it down.  There were many things in the book that I connected to and I felt connection with you.  I appreciate your wisdom, honesty and your stories.  I am looking forward to my children’s nap so that I can pick up the book again.  Thank you so much for writing this book, you have no idea how much it means to me.”

“I just had to email you to let you know how your book affected me so profoundly!  Yesterday I met you at the Expo in Austin, Texas and bought your book…I read quite a bit, about numerous topics, but I have to say that this was the first time in a long time that I was moved to tears AND caught myself smiling at the same time while reading.  I don’t want to say that I knew exactly how you felt, in the beginning of your journey, because that is impossible.  But the similarities are uncanny.  I have just begun my journey in the past year, actually realizing there is more out there than I was raised to believe.  Your story has given me hope that I will make it through successfully.”

“What a great read.  Congratulations on a wonderful book that contains many things that touched me so it definitely is not just a book for Moms.”