Spiritual Teaching

How to Let Go and Let God…Place your order and enjoy the wait.

The art of letting go and letting God is much like placing your order with the wait staff, and then enjoying the company you are with, enjoying the ambience, having pleasant conversation with those who have accompanied you while at the back of your mind you are looking forward to the wonderful meal that will be coming soon...


The Unopened Bottle of Rescue Remedy

I used to carry around this unopened bottle of Rescue Remedy, the flower essence for stress.  Every time I moved, from one side of the country to the other, I would unpack it from a box and put it on a shelf in the medicine cabinet.  Months later I would find myself moving again, and… Continue reading The Unopened Bottle of Rescue Remedy

Inspirational, Our Four Legged Friends, Spiritual Insight, The Journeys Path, Uncategorized

The Mouse, the Moon and the Jumping Mother

Spirit knows how to move me.   Spirit knows how to get me out of my chair.   Yes, it was a mouse.  And I am not honoring mouse just yet.  Notice I didn't even capitalize 'mouse?'   I had just experienced a wonderful meditation with several Tibetan monks.  I was spiritually high and felt… Continue reading The Mouse, the Moon and the Jumping Mother

Our Four Legged Friends, Uncategorized

Coming Out Of My Shell – Sticking My Neck Out

I slowed my car down when I saw the animal crossing in front of me.  It stopped right in the middle of the road and turned to look at me.Thankfully there weren't any other cars on the road, so I stopped in front of him, blocking him and protecting him from possible traffic. Getting out… Continue reading Coming Out Of My Shell – Sticking My Neck Out

Our Four Legged Friends, The Journeys Path

The Pacing Lion

I found myself pacing tonight.  I was working out in my exercise room, and I couldn't decide, the elliptical or the mini-tramp.  Pretty soon I was just pacing back and forth on the cement floor. I wondered why it felt good.  Just pacing.  I was listening to my usual road trip music.  There is this… Continue reading The Pacing Lion